Sunday, January 30, 2011

Digital Aethyrs

I'm an avid gamer, and I'm also very gifted at probability manipulation. I've been training in MMOs and the like (especially lotro for it's chance based aspected crafting system) for a week now.

There is a setup in Lord of the Rings Online called critical success for crafting. On a critical success of a gathering or processing skill, you get more processed materials to work with. On a production skill, critical success gives a highly improved item over what you were originally attempting to create.

There are items that improve the chances of critical success for production skills, and while not rare, they are uncommon enough for people to pay a bit for them.

Being the enterprising young chap I am, I forgo these success items and use my probability manipulation skills. The end result is roughly  the same as if I had a steady supply of free crit enhancers. Basically I have roughly 50% success rate of getting a better item than what I was currently attempting.

I also am blessing the items I make and distributing them to newbies because the digital aether is a rather overlooked plane (outside of chaos magick where very little blessing is done.)

I'm also using my skills to sell success enhancers at inflated prices to provide myself with the income necessary to continue handing out free swords that are both magic and magick.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Assault on Reality

My game plan is simple:
Bury fluid condensers (al la bardon) around the town.
Glitter bomb illuminary deities across public locations
Glitter Bomb fotamecus near transit junctions and traffic lights
Drop Crystallized holy water into all of the major river and creek springs in my town.
Make a deal with the genius locii to make things little more 'mystical" around my town
hide a few spirits in each of the 10 churches in my town.

The purpose is to basically make this place an ideal location for random spiritual phenomena.

I'll also start chalking bindrunes for wealth onto local businesses I like.

I expect this project to last roughly a month before I see results,

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I start off my day at 1am waking up from a night terror. I utilize the neither-neither principle of neutralizing emotions and impression to calm myself down enough to get back to sleep. Throughout my day I use the  neither-neither principle liberally, and then it hits me. What if I neutralize my own consciousness using this?

I'm attempting the meditation before I go to bed. Hopefully it proves more fruitful than shattering the ego with sigils, then using the resulting gnosis to fire the sigil of my new consciousness.

Speaking and typing in only present tense is difficult and awkward.

The suspense is killing me.

I'm not having any expectations of this upcoming working, if I do I'm liable to fail miserably.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wandering Widdershins through Waves of Wild Whimsy.

I started this blog as a place to (attempt to) organize my pursuit of chaos. Chaos magick is a mix of eclectic techniques to change the physical world and commit a brutal assault on what is perceived as reality.

I will start this off by saying that I am one of the more extreme chaos magicians.
I will also start this off by saying I am one of the most moderate chaos magicians. If you don't get it, good. I'm sure that you'll make a nice burger flipper or engineer. (Whichever gets you your paper jollies)

When the mind is reduced to rubble, one can work wonders with the reconstruction utilizing the same materials.

My goal is threefold:

-Find the truest manifestation of my own mind through repeated breaking down and rebuilding of my consciousness.

-Find the truest expression of chaos through wearing religious systems and cosmologies as one would wear clothes.

-Find the ultimate banishing force in the universe so as to wield absolute control over myself. (and others)

 Manifestation of useful abilities is a hobby, but not part of my path. If I learn to move things with my mind, cool. If I can mentally control people at will, cool. So what? I feel that these manifestations of power are hollow. True power is when you have mastered yourself. After that you can bend causality over and have your way with it for all I care.

This is my search for the expressions of consciousness as the ultimate force of nature. If I like what I see in a cosmology, I take it into my core system to stay until the next time I decide to obliterate and rebuild my ego.

It's as they say, if you can't melt steel in your cup of coffee, it's probably too weak for my tastes.