Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wandering Widdershins through Waves of Wild Whimsy.

I started this blog as a place to (attempt to) organize my pursuit of chaos. Chaos magick is a mix of eclectic techniques to change the physical world and commit a brutal assault on what is perceived as reality.

I will start this off by saying that I am one of the more extreme chaos magicians.
I will also start this off by saying I am one of the most moderate chaos magicians. If you don't get it, good. I'm sure that you'll make a nice burger flipper or engineer. (Whichever gets you your paper jollies)

When the mind is reduced to rubble, one can work wonders with the reconstruction utilizing the same materials.

My goal is threefold:

-Find the truest manifestation of my own mind through repeated breaking down and rebuilding of my consciousness.

-Find the truest expression of chaos through wearing religious systems and cosmologies as one would wear clothes.

-Find the ultimate banishing force in the universe so as to wield absolute control over myself. (and others)

 Manifestation of useful abilities is a hobby, but not part of my path. If I learn to move things with my mind, cool. If I can mentally control people at will, cool. So what? I feel that these manifestations of power are hollow. True power is when you have mastered yourself. After that you can bend causality over and have your way with it for all I care.

This is my search for the expressions of consciousness as the ultimate force of nature. If I like what I see in a cosmology, I take it into my core system to stay until the next time I decide to obliterate and rebuild my ego.

It's as they say, if you can't melt steel in your cup of coffee, it's probably too weak for my tastes.


  1. I was going to nag you about getting "inspiration" for your title from Gordon White's Runesoup blog, (here: http://runesoup.com/) but then I realized that I'd bet real money that both of you would take it as a compliment. How do you added hyperlinks to blog comments? I'm such a newb at this digital best practice thing.

  2. Actually I was referencing a sappy publication of feel good stories. I had totally forgotten about that guy. Love his blog, but it was the furthest thing from my mind.

  3. Well, I suppose it won't hurt the webcrawlers.
