Saturday, January 22, 2011

Assault on Reality

My game plan is simple:
Bury fluid condensers (al la bardon) around the town.
Glitter bomb illuminary deities across public locations
Glitter Bomb fotamecus near transit junctions and traffic lights
Drop Crystallized holy water into all of the major river and creek springs in my town.
Make a deal with the genius locii to make things little more 'mystical" around my town
hide a few spirits in each of the 10 churches in my town.

The purpose is to basically make this place an ideal location for random spiritual phenomena.

I'll also start chalking bindrunes for wealth onto local businesses I like.

I expect this project to last roughly a month before I see results,

1 comment:

  1. perhaps it would be a good idea to encompass your entire town in a sigil? Perhaps coat the souls of your shoes with ash and simply take a stroll to draw your lines as not to attract attention.
